Enabling an AI System that is Ethically Aligned - GITEX 2021
Updated: Oct 18, 2021
Wednesday 20 October, 1.30 in Sheikh Saeed Hall 3, Dubai WTC (Digital Dubai Space)

Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) are all around us. It is growing at a phenomenal rate (33% CAGR) and is supposed to add $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, according to PwC. As designers, producers, regulators, service providers, adaptors or decision-makers, and users, we all have a role in ensuring these innovations are ethically aligned. Unfortunately, this task is not easy. While there are many AI ethics documents – they are all not fragmented and open to interpretation. Meanwhile, the list of AI failures and scandals is growing day by day. A recent BCG report highlights that AI failures are as high as 70%-80%. So what can we as decision-makers do?
This short presentation highlights the three fundamental problems facing us: (1) Ethics is a fluid construct, (2) AI systems involve People, and (3) People need the planet. This session aims to understand the mindset challenges facing us and outline future strategic areas where we can be mindful of governance and stewardship of AIS. I will draw from some of my work in the IEEE Working Ethics Committees for the Global Initiative Education and Concentration of Power and from my observations facilitating dicussions as Professor of Innovation Management at the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government.
Learning Outcomes:
1- Understand the reasons why ethics is complex in the AIS space
2- Create awareness of the mindset change needed for AIS ethics and governance
3- Design a stewardship plan to ensure Purpose, Profits, Planets, and Values can co-exist
Who Should Attend:
1- Decision-makers working with AIS (designing, adopting, using)
2- Engineers and Tech innovators
3- Policymakers who are responsible for uptake and regulation of AI